Guinness World Records.
Other: Guinness World Records.
Guinness World Records
Science: Human Space Flight.
Other science: Human Space Flight - International Space Station.
HSF - International Space Station
Culture: World Heritage Center.
Other culture: World Heritage Center - The 754 properties which the World Heritage Committee has inscribed on the World Heritage List (582 cultural, 149 natural and 23 mixed properties in 129 States Parties).
Welcome to World Heritage Center
World Summit on the Information Society.
Other: The World Summit on the Information Society is held in two phases. The first phase of WSIS takes place in Geneva hosted by the Government of Switzerland from 10 to 12 December 2003. It will address the broad range of themes concerning the Information Society and adopt a Declaration of Principles and Plan of Action. The second phase will take place in Tunis hosted by the Government of Tunisia, from 16 to 18 November 2005.
World Summit on the Information Society
Fifa world cup Germany 2006.
Other: Football: Fifa world cup Germany 2006.
Fifa world cup Germany 2006
Miss World.
Other: Miss World.
Miss World
Music: BigChampagne.
Other music: In the 21st century, consumers are acquiring more music online than on CD. Every month, tens of millions of people in the U.S. alone turn to the Net for new music. These are the week's ten most popular songs...
BigChampagne - Online Media Measurement
Web design: Designs by Mark.
Other web design: DesignsByMark. Photoshop tips & tutorials, expert - advanced.
Dr. Grammar.
Other: Dr. Grammar - How to write right.
Dr. Grammar
Portugal: Euro 2004.
Other: Football Championship - Portugal: Euro 2004. To host the matches of the final phase of the 2004 European Football Championship, Portugal has built from scratch or extensivelly improved ten stadiums in eight cities from Braga, in the North, to Faro-Loulé, in the South.
Portugal: Euro 2004